The Best Exchange

HEAR THAT?  Is that an Amazon delivery?? Can I actually get my gift here on time? Holy cow-we need to decorate!  The stress level is mounting for you and me! My prayer for our family is (I’m guessing) the same as yours. We will focus on knowing each other better and less on spending more. What is it about relationships that color this season?

Perhaps because there are only 2 things that that stand the test of time….the Word of God and the souls of people. Both live forever. To a large degree, the state of our relationships can reflect the state of our relationship with GOD. Am I living in love toward others or anger? Am I living in a state of generosity or selfishness? (Note to self: Check calendar for answer.)

We were made for so much more. We were made to love because we were made by the Inventor of Love. We were made to Give because we know the Giver of Life. But…we have to bend low to look in the manger FIRST. I cannot offer to others if I do not possess. God gave us to each other to help point us to the  One True Gift…Jesus.

If I know Christ, I am “Redeemed”. (Literally, “bought back”). This means that when God looks at my spiritual mortgage , He sees “paid in full” across my debt. It just so happens the ink is RED… blood red, as a matter of fact. AMAZING. Because my debt is paid, I am free to spend myself loving and giving to others! Does this change my holiday wish-list? Definitely.

God loved me so much that He didn’t leave me alone…HE  CAME LOOKING FOR ME FIRST. He came in the form of Jesus Christ who loved well, lived perfectly, and died completely. All I have to do is BELIEVE .

He promises to never leave me. He promises me Heaven. He gives me Himself. In my spiritual economy, this is my Identity.

When I sit down to prepare my holiday shopping lists, I will look for sales and deals.

God will remind me that His presence didn’t just START a holiday tradition, it started my freedom. He and I operate in the divine “return” aisle…I exchange my broken stuff for His Brand New Stuff. (See Heb. 13:5, Jn. 3:16, Rom. 8, and Eze. 36:26).

Is this your “faith tradition” as well? Are your holiday celebrations a reflection that you know you are loved and forgiven?

God says you are redeemable and your relationships are, as well. All came be made new! May we live in the fact– not just feeling– that we have been bought by the blood of Christ and that His love can overflow into the lives of others.


One Reply to “The Best Exchange”

  1. Amen sister! Praying to hold fast to that perspective over the next 8 weeks….to quote the end of my Christmas card a few years ago….”a sweater is great, or a shiny new toy, but the ULTIMATE gift is the baby boy!”

    Thanks for the reminder to focus on what truly matters and truly satisfies this season.

    love you!

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