The Old Has Gone

2 Corinthians 5:17 is too good to skim-it deserves pulling apart! “BEHOLD” never means a glance-it always means look carefully & thankfully at the glory of God’s handiwork. “IF” can be translated “because” or “since”. The rest of this verse can be built around this word-if you are in Christ through faith, then “NEW” is your name! That power word “NEW” is here twice & the word “OLD” only once. (I like that!👍🏼) What’s our takeaway? Today, take time to see God’s gift -a complete salvation designed to highlight God’s huge ability to create life out of death. Let Him do new things in your heart, your life, & your relationships. He wants to make all things new for you! #2corinthians5 #new#notold #behold #jesus #bible