You must come to Jesus alone

All of us have to learn to follow Christ ALONE. I was 19 when He posed the question to my heart:”Will you FOLLOW Me?” I was a young sanguine whose life revolved around public opinion . In that moment, I knew exactly what He meant. Would I choose Him over people, loneliness over coolness, and the awful state of being misunderstood over being approved & celebrated? I still remember that moment-my heart sank at the cost & my fearful mind cowered at the prospect of walking away from my constructed life into the total unknown. Yet, in that moment, I remembered His companionship & His identity as One Who Knows Best. That day, in February 1988 & ALONE at the edge of a Brady Bunch green couch, I prayed (no Christian jargon had been learned yet!) “God, I want to give you a shot at running my life!” He flooded my puny heart with peace & wonder at what He might do with my handed-over life!

He’s given overwhelmingly to me & He wants to give do this for you ! First things first, you must sit ALONE with Him. Realize there’s cost. Others may not go with you. You’ll feel ALONE at many points of your trail. But let this sink deeply into you…the cost is minimal in light of the astounding plan He’s saving for you! His joy-yours. His power-yours. His constant friendship-yours. Ready? It’s your turn now, friend. Tell the King-Who-Stays-With-You that you want to follow Him! 😊 

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