What’s in a name?

The name of Jesus has always fascinated me. I remember being a nonbeliever & wondering:
1. Why is this name also a swear word?
2. Why do some people on tv say this name as a way to get stuff they want?
3. Why do people get angry at this name but not at other religious names?
These last 30 years, I’ve learned the power of this name. This is the name to which every knee will bow. (Phil.2). This is the name that can bring instant help, tremendous freedom & raise the dead to life. His name is not only His but given as a gift to help the people of God. Afraid right now? Say, “Jesus, help me!” In pain? Say, “Jesus, I need You!” His name is one of His greatest gifts to you. #name#jesus #bible #everyknee #freedom #power#whatsinaname

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