Microwaves, Crock Pots, and Faith


It’s the silly things God can use to teach you. Like, um…a microwave oven?  I  use my microwave multiple times a day. It’s fast and requires minimal work. I dig speed!  My faith can be like that silly  microwave…punch it, zap it and heat it up fast! I want God to answer my prayer requests FAST & I want character in 30 seconds! It’s HARD to wait. I want powerful faith in less time that it takes to make my popcorn.

But, biblically, God seems to use a slower pace more often than not. He uses it to mature, to deepen, and to refine.

If I step back from chaos & activity, I realize I want that. I want to hear Him, have time to think deeply on what He’s revealed, and to relish in His love for me.   

Not microwave faith Lord? Ok.  What then? Not that opposite-of-who-I-am machine that I never use?! That old school way of expressing my domestic (read: food) love for my people?!


This thing is not my speciality. Cooking with a Crock Pot takes forethought, planning, and even time.   I don’t even speak this language! Why do people use this thing? Because the food tastes better than microwave food.  It’s rich, moist, and flavorful.  I get it , Lord. You want to do something new in me. You challenge me to simmer, not nuke. You want depth in me. Flavor that comes from the Cook.

Apparently, a Crock Pot makes good food.  Why? It has to cook SLOWLY to be really good.   

 God kindly shows me things in me that need to change, but mostly how much He loves me.  My favorite thing is that He is increasing my level of thankfulness for everything..especially Him. “Promised Land Living” by J. Oswald Sanders is about the book of Joshua.  In it, Sanders uses one of my favorite phrases “the Realized Presence of God.”. To experience the “realized Presence”, I have to stop & receive . I have to be quiet to hear Him and go slower to experience His peace. This is no 30 second experience. 

Lord, free me from speed and the immaturity of instant gratification. Deepen my faith and increase your Aroma of Grace through me.

Now, time for dinner.


Tristie Fisher, 2014





Found this from Masterpiece 2010. I needed to review!


Hello FRIENDS! I had a delightful weekend-worshiping with friends and having the JOY of teaching Colossians 1:15-22 and Colossians 3:12-17. It was an AMAZING conference called MASTERPIECE 2010″at Grace Bible Church in College Station, TX. with 600 gals, hosted by 2 godly women-Donna and Ashley!

The powerful music, beautiful lyrical dance, glorious art work, and inspiring coffeehouse added to the work God did. For many, a favorite part were the OPPORTUNITIES we have to contribute to the needs of the WORLD…India, Haiti, Uganda to name a few.Isn’t it overwhelming to SEE GOD change our focus from ourselves to others?

Many of you reading this blog are those very special women. I LOVED being with you & studying His Word together. If you are like me, you have looked over your notes, experienced “MASTERPIECE 2010”, and are coming down to this week’s schedule. Let’s POWER UP and remember what we know is TRUE….fact over feelings!

HERE is a 30 second “HOW TO WALK WITH GOD”!

1. READ THE BIBLE..pick a book that you can read over the next 30 days..maybe Philippians, Colossians, or (my fave Gospel) the Book of John. Grab some paper and write down your thoughts and points of action. Ask yourself…”What am I learning about Jesus here? What are the key words? What are the direct commands?” (This is that mini-observation lesson we talked about!) GET A PAL TO DO THIS WITH YOU! 🙂

2. PRAY. Remember prayer is just talking with God...get in a routine of talking with Him while you drive,work out, cook, clean, study, get ready to go on a date, etc. He is WAITING to hear you and wants to answer. Maybe get a group together to lift up each other’s personal needs!

3.FIND A CHURCH..one that teach Jesus is who He says He is and the Bible is true..all of it. You will be blessed by the fellowship and friendships!

4.READ CHRISTIAN BIOGRAPHIES...I mentioned how MUCH these changed my life…my eyes were lifted to the world and how I could be a part of something way bigger than me! My personal faves are James Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael, Gladys Aylward and Adonirum Judson. Let them impact your FUTURE! (YWAM website is great!)

HOW’S THAT FOR A START? As we talked about last weekend, God knew you before time began and has a PLAN for you (Jer. 29:11). His plan includes rich blessing, fulfillment, and joy!

Love you, DEAR sisters!

Tristie Fisher




About 2 years ago, one of my friends, Lainie, and I put together a must list for our children in teaching them about God. Don’t be overwhelmed… sooo much of this comes from conversations with kids, I am convinced!

Teaching your Kids:

Basic Doctrine…  Existence of God, Trinity, Deity of Jesus, Security of Salvation and the Inerrancy of the Word

  • The Gospel-What is it?
  1. That God has a plan for each of our lives.
  2. We were born sinners and also make “mistakes” or sinful choices.
  3. Jesus Christ, the perfect One, died in our place for those sins.
  4. That Jesus wants to come live inside our hearts -giving us HEAVEN and an ABUNDANT LIFE HERE.
  • How to walk With The Lord... Here’s an example of our Top Three: ASKING JESUS TO HELP US, READING THE BIBLE TOGETHER, AND LEARNING TO PRAY!
  • Forgiveness in relationships !(Parent to child, sibling to sibling,  and friend to friend)

That’s just some of the rich spiritual life (I’m sure !) you’re demonstrating to your sweet children. It seems EVERY DAY there is at least one opportunity for me to live by faith   (Mommy encourages me!) and for them make a choice regarding Christ-like choices. (Think sibling interactions! )

May these ideas bless you! HE WILL HELP YOU!

What would you add to the list?