25 Floors Up

Sunrise time w/ the Lord on the 25th floor can truly change your point of view!
“IF my people who are called by My Name will:
Humble themselves (go low)
Pray (ask big)
Seek My face (look up)
Turn from wicked ways (personal before national)
I will hear.
I will forgive.
I will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Can God do this for us?
#Praying4ThisCity #WindowsillWorship — with Brian G. Fisher at Hotel Beacon NYC.

Birthright of Joy

Thank you to the talented @ryanntvrner for creating this gift! Today, how can we actively protect our birthright of joy? Just like in any spiritual battle we have to utilize the power of Jesus’ name, stay knee deep in the Scriptures & live life around thankful worship-driven people. Determine to exchange the world’s definition of joy for a biblical one. Happiness is not promised in the Bible but joy was bought -for us-by the King! #jesus #bible #boughtforyou#gogetit #inheritance


How do you smile again?

This has been a full & just plain hard week. So many people suffering & exhaustion settling in for all. What to do? How do you find strength? How do you smile again? I think it’s two-fold: Hope in God & celebrate the people He’s given you. In the midst of the downpour, lean in to Him. When surrounded by chaos, hold your people close. Tragedies-personal & corporate -always refine us to remember what’s most important. Strangely, we can sense a new peace. Ironically, pain brings perspective. We remember what we were made for: God & people. #lovegod #lovepeople #hurricane#hurricaneharvey #tragedy #pain #perspective #truth