The right of every woman and girl

For 25 years, God has allowed me to share His heart with Texas college and high school women about our true identity. Who are we, anyway? All of us currently live in a world of pretend, heartache, and shame. Yet, we are more than filtered Instagram pics.  Our collective beauty can be more than external.  Our level of satisfaction in life should be more than just “the next thing” in life.  All women sense there is something more to life than beauty, school, career, health, wealth, marriage, and motherhood. Is there something else to make us feel valued?  Rather than a something, could it be a Someone? Could it be Someone who knows us because He made us?  I cannot adequately express the joy of seeing young women choose to come to Jesus to be made new as someone cherished, valuable, and crucial to the plan of God. It’s no accident that the first person to see the Risen Christ was a radiantly new woman. (John 20) Remember, Jesus was -and is-perfect and yet He gave His first glimpse of resurrection purity to an astonishingly imperfect woman who loved Him. Mary could be my bestie! (Can I get a witness?)

He is still at work in the lives of women.   

Now, ready for some next generation hope? For years,  my daughter (and her dance pals!) joined me to speak about true identity  every summer.  These are more than just cartoon princess events. These are times we look at what Jesus -the true King-offers to every girl who believes in Him the role as Daughter of the King.  The symbolism of this crown is never lost on these girls! They understand it’s a gift to be received and that crown means “princess”.  When girls put on this crown and turn (for the first time) to see themselves in a mirror, they always smile at their reflection! Why? Because the unconditional love and favor of the King has been lavished upon them and they see it represented by the crown!  

Many of are not girls anymore-yet we STILL want new identities.  We don’t want a mere makeover.  We want a MakeNew.   Have you given up on feeling “special” in this world? Look out of this temporal world to the eternal Kingdom of Love. Jesus holds out a new crown  for you with the inscription SHE WHO IS ADORED.  He loves you. (John 3:16)  We’ve all made mistakes. (Romans 3:23) Jesus paid for our mistakes and wants to give us new hearts and new lives!(Romans 5:8) Now what? Tell Him you believe Him . Tell Him you believe He is God and you are not. Thank Him for dying for you. Ask Him-now-to make you new! (Revelation 3:20) Are you ready? Your life is about to radiate His love, His purpose and His power! Learn about your King by reading the book of John.  Then,  look in the mirror and say, “This girl is special for she knows the King! ” 🙂


Honor without humility

After 25 years of working with amazing leaders-there are certain things that are always true. My heroes are men & women of deep humility. 2 weeks ago, @pastorbriangfisher taught 2 principles from Matthew 20 that gave us all pause! “We want honor without humility. We want authority without submission.” Zing! We get it-we all struggle here! Instead of asking a generic , “Am I proud?” Join me in asking yourself these questions.

1. How low am I willing to go?

2. How much of the world’s success have I brought into my faith?

3. Am I disrespectful to my current authority?

4. Am I known for a loving or critical spirit?

5. Is my heart living in awe toward God or anger toward God?

If you’re like me, these questions cut to the quick. Yet, we all want more of Jesus, more peace, more joy, & more satisfaction! Maybe it’s time to step up to going low. #matthew20 #betterlife #humility #followwell#leadwell

Your Weakness is Your Super Power!

Many believers are convinced God is displeased with inability & inconsistencies. This is not true! If there’s EVER a message to Christians, it’s that we really cannot do any of this. Only He can. I cannot save myself & I cannot change myself! This is the glory of biblical exchanged life living. He waits for us to realize our true state of desperate need. He is gentle when we come with nothing to offer. Then -and only then-He can work!

The self-righteous & smug vessel can’t be used by the King. There is simply no room. What would happen if we came to Him moment by moment and asked for help? What if we truly viewed our weaknesses as opportunities for Jesus to explode into our lives? Each second can be sanctified by our need of Him. Today, tell yourself the truth: Your need IS your super power!