Heavenly ANTI-Inflammatory

“May JESUS HIMSELF and GOD the FATHER, who reached out in LOVE and surprised you with GIFTS of unending help and confidence, put a FRESH heart in you, INVIGORATE your work, ENLIVEN your speech.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (The Message)

Ouch.  I am inflamed.  Or rather, my back is!  Once you pass the marker of 40 years of age, you realize that injuries take longer to heal.  You will hurt your back.  (The phrase “threw my back out” makes me laugh..where exactly did this come from?) 🙂

I have done this before and learned from experience that an “ANTI-inflammatory” and ice can be my best friends!

I want the opposite of inflammation and pain. This is true in my Physical AND Spiritual world.

This preceding Bible verse calms me and gives me strength. Take this as your spiritual “anti-inflammatory” with me—our focus is removed from our own pain and  focused on the only One who give peace.

Wanna see it again?

  1. Jesus “Himself Reached out. ” (How?) In LOVE.
  2. He “Surprised” me. (With what?) With “Gifts of Unending Help and Confidence.”
  3. He “Put a Fresh Heart in Me”.
  4. He “Invigorates My Work”.
  5. He “Enlivens my Speech”.

Feel better?  Now that hits the spot!  May JESUS give you Healing and Peace today!

Love to you in HIM,


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