We all say “Our family is so busy! ” What can we do to change this? I’ve noticed I have to get tired enough of the chaos. If we are constantly on our phones, packing our schedules with more activities, and not stopping, then something’s gonna give. It might be our health. It might be our relationships. This constant stimulation is just plain contrary to rest.

Real rest must start in my spiritual life. For me I need a true turning from the world to stop and hear God.  I’ve got to stop repeating “I need to rest”, by actually DOING IT. 

Real Rest is active!  Confession to God energizes, reconciliation with God inspires, and wisdom from God awakens your soul!  Get in the Word and pray. Real rest is extremely active in its focus and purpose. .

Real Rest is quiet. You are fasting from noise. Here’s the glory of this-once you move through that realization and sit with God, peace will slowly steal over you. SO MANY of us are afraid of the silence because we know  we must face God or turn away from Him.  Ask GOD for the ability to be still. One of my favorite books is Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence...a monk who cleaned pots and pans, yet worshiped GOD fully in every moment. I want to live like that.

Real Rest won’t be applauded by others. By faith, I trust the LORD to “do” the most important tasks that are needful and important. You choose “who you disappoint”. I give time to an invisible God , perform secret service in my primary jobs with my husband and children, and take quiet care of myself-spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

God wants to help you -allow Him to cover you with His quiet peace today!