Persecuted Church

Tomorrow, we get to go to church publicly. We are allowed to choose where we worship. We will open Bibles without fear of imprisonment. We will sing-loudly-without fear. We will wear our cross necklaces, rings, & t-shirts that identify us as Christians. STOP & THINK OF OUR FREEDOM. Now, may we get on our knees & pray for those who publicly & privately that suffer for the Gospel in ways we can’t imagine. Pray for them to have enough to eat, for jobs to care for their families, for homes to live in, for their health, their strength, their marriages, their children and for their freedom to worship God. There is more worldwide Christian persecution now than ever before in history. May we pray faithfully for our brothers & sisters, give to ministries that help them, and stand with them as they endure for the Name Above Every Name. #persecutedchurch #persecutedChristians #church #faith#pray#voiceofthemartyrs #heroes #realcelebrities #heroines

Tyndale, Luther, Moody, Spurgeon

True confessions-I’m a church history nerd. Christian biographies, missionary stories, & the events that formed to our faith in encouraging me so! This summer, I had one goal: to read to my kids about these pillars of faith. William Tyndale-thanks to his bravery, we have a bible in our own language! Martin Luther-the pivotal figure behind the doctrine of “faith alone in Christ alone”, D.L. Moody -the rough shoe salesman turned evangelist who lit America on fire, & Charles Spurgeon-the British “boy preacher” who saw thousands come to Christ! It’s humbling to experience the lineage of these sacrificial servants -they’ve given us much!! #tyndale #luther #moody #spurgeon

Third Great Awakening?

Friends…good morning! In the midst of meditating on 2 Peter chapter 1:1-11, I have been reminded of God’s provision and His majesty. Yesterday was our first Sunday At Grace Bible Church with our Texas A & M Aggies back into town! This is amazing….this is the largest Freshman Class in the United States…8,200 “fish” (as Aggies call them!) In total, at both campus sites (Anderson…our main site and Southwood) between 3 services we had 2, 800 people come through the door!

Praise God! What is He planning to do? Please join with me in prayer that these students (and young families) would make decisions that would glorify God and reflect Christ in their lifestyles. I Love Church History (as many of you know…by the way, a great book “Church History in Plain Language by Bruce Shelley”…a must-have!) and have prayed for years for a “Third Great Awakening”.

Pray with us…He is moving mightily!

Love to you in Christ,
