What is grace? What is it not?

This phrase is buried in my heart. For us to be inspired by this , we first must define what grace is not. Grace is not simply being nice. Grace is not a “well, bless her heart” response to people. Grace is always personal before it goes public. Grace is absolutely unmerited, undeserved, & independent of the shortcomings of the human heart. It is -in no way-a token reward for “being good”. Grace is so lavish & so overwhelming-we often cannot look too deeply into it. It simply doesn’t make sense. Our Best Love doesn’t ask us to understand this one-way love, He asks us to receive it. Once we begin to comprehend the grace given to us, we can offer this choice gift to others. #grace #undeserved#unmeritedfavor #romans6-8 #phillipians2#lovepeople #hereshowtoliveinjoy

“Behold, I am FOR you!”

I’ve loved some time in Ezekiel! This book is full of God’s plan to cause exterior law to become interior truth in His Own. Why did God give the law if He knew people couldn’t keep it? Perhaps His great mercy was showing us our religious inability -a drought of desire for our Creator. Only new life (not dead law) could draw us to Him! BEHOLD-the glorious verb of announcement -is a word meant to startle us. It precedes power. “BEHOLD, I AM FOR YOU” He knew He would offer a spiritual exchange program. We hand Him our granite ritual-trusting ways & He gives us soft hearts that beat because His divine Blood flows through them! #GreatExchange #BEHOLD #DeathToLife #Ezekiel #HeisFORyou

Things You’ll NEVER Say in Heaven!

After a quick read of Revelation 19-22, I’ve made the following list to get my attitude aligned with what is true forever and not just what feels true today!

1.”This is it?!

2. “But I don’t want to sing for the King.”

3. “I’m so tired!”

4. “Can you turn these lights up? Hard to see in here.”

5. “Jesus was just a good man.”

6. “I think I’m getting sick.”

7. “How long do I have to stay?”

8. “Heaven is so boring!”

9. “These people are getting on my nerves.”

10. “I should never have become a Christian. “

#revelation19 #revelation20 #revelation21 #revelation22