Watering Whole-the woman FROM the well!

“So the woman left her waterpot and went into the city.” John 4:28

This verse is in there very middle of this chapter. We nearly always overlook the power of this moment as Jesus and the “woman at the well” meet and talk. We all know she had 5 (6?) husbands, we know she was a despised Samaritan and we know that she was… well, a woman. She is the complete OPPOSITE of the other characters in this text.

The disciples were men, from strict religious communities and (seemingly) tried to follow a morality derived from the law. She is a doomed and hopeless woman reduced to shame. True to form, Jesus initiates conversation with her and takes time to teach her truth. He shows her value. Fast forward through her “come to Jesus” (pun intended!) moment in verse 28. She believes she has found Messiah ! Jesus’ claim to be “Living Water” (v. 10) has changed everything and the water that springs from Him cannot compare to the stagnant liquid from her old waterpot. The dull waterpot fulfilled her physical need yet it couldn’t change the reality of her anguished soul. Her first drink of faith in Christ takes her from thirsty to satiated and from defeated to drenched!

Naturally, she had to put that waterpot down to rush back to the city and tell others about this Man! These are the Bible passages we tend to overlook because we just can’t relate to the primary character. Or can we? Where do we remain thirsty and defeated in our lives?  Are we willing to humble ourselves and receive true refreshment from His presence? Do we have a symbolic “waterpot” that just need to be left? This woman was completely changed and became the primary source of the gospel to her city! Maybe we should change her name from the “woman at the well” to the woman from the well.”  Jesus wants to be the same for us!      

Why This Pain?

Tragedy seems -by nature -to be sudden & unexpected. It chills us, wrecks us, yet centers us. Instantly, all other “important” becomes unimportant. As believers focused on the next kingdom (which is currently alive & thriving with the Prince of Life), death baffles us. Why do we weep if we know we will be reunited ? Why this pain? Our fragile flesh always astonishes us. Humans were created with deep capacity to love each other. We hurt because we love. Jesus cried when His dear pal Lazarus died. Why? He knew what He would do-stun the known world with the most inhuman act of raising a dead man. Why did the Son weep? Could it be He (in His divinity) is also showing His humanity? Is He showing us the awful tension of human life & heavenly life? None of us knows or understands fully. No quick verses or platitudes can alleviate pain. Maybe that’s it…in our flesh pain, we have to trust the One Who Understands. We hand Him our questions, our anger, our anguish, our fear, our discomfort of death . He loves His creation -He knows things we don’t, and by faith (only tried through trial) we choose to trust Him. He who spoke the world into existence also wept when His friend died. This Savior is real, approachable and so very lovable. #john11 #prayfortheBlomFamily — with Julie Blom.15284920_10154782006859817_1175309095435773705_n-3


My friend, Mary, added this pic and I thought ,”That is EXACTLY how I feel living under a GOD OF GRACE WHO LOVES ME NO MATTER WHAT! I  want to live like this! Arms lifted high-RECEIVING. Lately, I find myself in awe of the overwhelming vastness of GOD’S GRACE.  Is grace really free or do I need to do some things because I am in a  “divine pay-off” relationship with God? Am I living in GRACE or LEGALISM? GRACE IS UNMERITED FAVOR-no question-but I think the depth of this would shock us. We often think of the word “SIN” as an action or thought when it can also be a state. Why does it seem as we live in 2 worlds? The busy, daily grind when we don’t think about God at all on Tuesday, yet we can experience the spiritual HIGH of a Sunday morning.


  1. NATURAL MAN” (one not knowing Christ as Savior)
  2. “CARNAL MAN “(person having come to know Christ, but not obeying Him as Lord)
  3. “SPIRITUAL  MAN”( person having trusted Christ as Savior & obeying Him.) With Romans 7 as our guide, we are stuck! When you can, read ROMANS 6-8 in one sitting. If you want, write down what you see. GOD’S incomprehensible GRACE breaks that ridiculous chain that we all wear- STRIVING FOR GOD TO LIKE US!

When I look through these chapters, I think, why do I do what I do?  If I am a legalist, it’s  because a vine of deceit has woven itself around me that says “work for God”or sadly, impress others with my devotedness. If I live in GRACE-REAL FREE GRACE-I walk with God BECAUSE I’M RESPONDING to Him in BROKENNESS. I know, I mean really, I can’t do it. I can’t obey without God’s Spirit, I can’t desire time in His Word without His gentle hand, & I want to be self-centered at least 30 times a day. YET, HE WAITS….KINDLY, WITH OPEN & GENTLE HANDS & ALWAYS A BETTER WAY! CHECK YOURSELF WITH THESE QUESTIONS. THEY HELP ME!

  1. WHY am I doing this activity (bible study, speaking, or serving in the church kitchen)?
  2. Do I believe God would STILL love me if I didn’t do these activities? Do I RECEIVE His kindness ?
  3. Do I “feel good” about myself when I do “religious things”?
  4.  Do I reckon myself dead and crucified with Christ and that nothing good dwells in my flesh? I love it that LIFE STARTED AT A SYMBOL OF DEATH- A TOMB! ANY GOOD IN ME IS HIS GOOD.
  5. I have to ask God to break me any spiritual pride, really, to help me see the true state of our humanity. When I do, I am be surprised (maybe discouraged, sometimes?). Then,& only then, do we awaken to see OUR COMPLETE NEED AND HIS MAJESTY…and THAT IS GOOD.

May our lives be open to Him in True Humility,
