Ye Olde Christmas Exhaustion

It’s really true -our attitude toward stress shapes us more than the actual stress! Take ye olde “Christmas Exhaustion” for example. EVERY person I’ve talked to this month has been appropriately overwhelmed! This may seem weird but what would happen if we say, “Of course we are tired, so what? “ to our inner Grinch. What if we reframe our fatigue this way: “Yes, we’re freaked by what still needs to be done for Christmas. BUT since we love our families, we want to express it well.” Or “We’re grateful for our friends so we’ll go the distance to remind them of their importance to us.” Or “We are not turning away from the Salvation Army collectors this year. We will return their smile & give something. This helps people and it helps us!” Can we even imagine how that would change our holiday this year? It’s ok to be tired from Christmas prep-just ask God to remind you WHY you are tired. It’s for people & people matter to Him more than anything! #havesomecoffee #christmas#jesus #shopping #holiday #gifts #christmastime #gratitude #thankful#salvationarmy #lovewell #grinch


Most Important Celebrity Update!

Whether it’s the Oscars or Met Gala, it’s a fun distraction to see the latest glamor of celebs. When does this interest creep from “enjoy” to “worship”? Here are a few ideas:
1. When I begin to idolize celebrities so much that I spend huge amounts of time & money on beauty, that might be a problem.
2. When I begin to spout a celeb’s views on life (rather than come up with my own) that might be a problem.
3. When I begin to believe the lie that “on-trend” is more important than eternal, that might be a problem.
4. When I realize I’m spending way more time scrolling celebrity updates than spending time with Jesus, that might be a problem.

Is it ok to follow, like, share, & be interested in celeb culture? Yes. But, you must be careful. Your self-worth is a fave place the enemy likes to work. He wants to create insecurity in you. Balance yourself with an admiration of on-trend cute and a devotion to the eternal radiance of Christ. God’s definition of beauty is much more than simply visible . He creates beauty of heart & soul. Besides, His makeovers are permanent. ❤️

Birthright of Joy

Thank you to the talented @ryanntvrner for creating this gift! Today, how can we actively protect our birthright of joy? Just like in any spiritual battle we have to utilize the power of Jesus’ name, stay knee deep in the Scriptures & live life around thankful worship-driven people. Determine to exchange the world’s definition of joy for a biblical one. Happiness is not promised in the Bible but joy was bought -for us-by the King! #jesus #bible #boughtforyou#gogetit #inheritance