Next Gen Bible Study-“Who am I?”

Hi friends-these are my notes from a bible study with some fantastic  gals! This was our first study in a series of 3-all here posted on this blog. (“Who is God?” “Who am I?” and “Life Decisions”) Here’s what we talked about!
I.OUR IDENTITY -World versus Word The World’s view -Exterior not interior. Sexy over smart. What happens to me when the outside goes south?? Where do I choose to place my security? Will we put my trust in an ever-changing society or the never-changing word of God?

GOD’S VIEW “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” What is the CONTEXT of this verse? Matthew 5-7 is designed to show the people the standard (or “exposition”) of the law. He is showing the people God’s standard of perfection in what we do and say…knowing they COULD NOT DO IT WITHOUT HIM. They had to believe in Him before they could receive power to live!*Who is the “you” in this passage? As a believer, certain things true: FORGIVEN, CALLED, & Absolutely IMPORTANT to God’s Plan!

YOU ARE SALT! *Greek word for Salt (HALAS) 8 occurrences

SALT PRESERVES-“The Romans appear to have esteemed salt highly. Its army, for a time, was even paid in salt. (“worth his salt”) The chemical compound is a proven anti-viral and anti-biotic substance. Salt preserves the culture. You are a life-preserver in a drowning culture.

SALT SEASONS Salt adds to the culture! You add spice, real spice, to the world. This is beyond “nice” or “cool”. This is vitality! You bring life to people who need it!

YOU ARE LIGHT! (*Greek word for “light” (PHOS) phós: light
73 Occurrences (Strong’s Concordance)

LIGHT IS MEANT TO SHINE-If I believe that Jesus was telling the truth when He said “I am the light of the world”, then I must agree with Him that He is the only light-giver in this world. And, He calls us to be too!


The right of every woman and girl

For 25 years, God has allowed me to share His heart with Texas college and high school women about our true identity. Who are we, anyway? All of us currently live in a world of pretend, heartache, and shame. Yet, we are more than filtered Instagram pics.  Our collective beauty can be more than external.  Our level of satisfaction in life should be more than just “the next thing” in life.  All women sense there is something more to life than beauty, school, career, health, wealth, marriage, and motherhood. Is there something else to make us feel valued?  Rather than a something, could it be a Someone? Could it be Someone who knows us because He made us?  I cannot adequately express the joy of seeing young women choose to come to Jesus to be made new as someone cherished, valuable, and crucial to the plan of God. It’s no accident that the first person to see the Risen Christ was a radiantly new woman. (John 20) Remember, Jesus was -and is-perfect and yet He gave His first glimpse of resurrection purity to an astonishingly imperfect woman who loved Him. Mary could be my bestie! (Can I get a witness?)

He is still at work in the lives of women.   

Now, ready for some next generation hope? For years,  my daughter (and her dance pals!) joined me to speak about true identity  every summer.  These are more than just cartoon princess events. These are times we look at what Jesus -the true King-offers to every girl who believes in Him the role as Daughter of the King.  The symbolism of this crown is never lost on these girls! They understand it’s a gift to be received and that crown means “princess”.  When girls put on this crown and turn (for the first time) to see themselves in a mirror, they always smile at their reflection! Why? Because the unconditional love and favor of the King has been lavished upon them and they see it represented by the crown!  

Many of are not girls anymore-yet we STILL want new identities.  We don’t want a mere makeover.  We want a MakeNew.   Have you given up on feeling “special” in this world? Look out of this temporal world to the eternal Kingdom of Love. Jesus holds out a new crown  for you with the inscription SHE WHO IS ADORED.  He loves you. (John 3:16)  We’ve all made mistakes. (Romans 3:23) Jesus paid for our mistakes and wants to give us new hearts and new lives!(Romans 5:8) Now what? Tell Him you believe Him . Tell Him you believe He is God and you are not. Thank Him for dying for you. Ask Him-now-to make you new! (Revelation 3:20) Are you ready? Your life is about to radiate His love, His purpose and His power! Learn about your King by reading the book of John.  Then,  look in the mirror and say, “This girl is special for she knows the King! ” 🙂


How to get out of a spiritual desert

Encourage yourself in this dry place. REMIND yourself of His love & goodness! Here’s how:
1. Be in the Word all the time. God’s word is still active & meant to be your favorite food.
2. Pray honestly. Tell Him what He already knows. You need Him to need Him!
3. Be around people you want to be like. Who do you hang with? Do you leave encouraged to go deep with Jesus or like you’ve been to a “Fuss Fest”? Sadly, some godly folks seem to thrive on complaining. Find thankful women to be around-it’ll rub off on you!
4. Speak truth to yourself! Replace lies with Scripture (Try Colossians 1-2!) Actively train yourself: the enemy tries to speak first person to you (“I’m not godly enough!”) when your faith makes him nervous! Speak the Name of Jesus.
5. Read old journals -remember when you fell for Jesus? He was your everything. Go back to this place: you don’t need to whip up some legalism to solve your intimacy problem with Christ! Realize you need Him to need Him. Ask for a fresh heart to remember your First Love!