No One Ever Says This!

My daughter drew this years ago!

Here’s the gospel truth: You will never regret spending time in the Bible. At the end of the day, no one says, “UGH! I wish I had not read the Bible today!” God has promised deep fulfillment as we seek Him through His word. We cannot know Him without reading His words to us. We can listen to worship music and spout other people’s spiritual opinions, but it’s ONLY God’s word that brings true life change. We have to handle His word ourselves. James 4:8 promises a response from the King, “Draw near to me and I will draw near to you.” God is so good to offer us wisdom in His Word.

As growing believers, we are enabled to respond to His command to know Him through His Word. “All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16) There is only one living document that continually breathes life-God’s word. How many times have we studied a passage we are familiar with and said “What?! I never saw that!” Hebrew 4:12 brings us the reason-this thing is alive and powerful and pierces us to the core! There is something joyously comforting and a little frightening in this. It’s because we are known by the Great One Who Is. That’s enough of a reason to give God’s word time and attention.

Need a few ideas? We all like get a Bible, get a pen, and get some paper. Write down what you read and learn to ask ,“WHAT DOES THIS SAY?” (Observe), “WHY IS THIS WRITTEN?” (Interpret) and “HOW DOES THIS AFFECT ME?” (Application) Ask God to help you set aside 10 minutes a day to pray, read, and write. Nothing in your life will impact your character and sharpen your vision like listening to the God who speaks to His people. The gift of His word is personal at every stage in life and nourishing for souls who live for the unseen Kingdom. Lean in and listen to the One who knows you best and loves you most.


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