No, really. What does Jesus have to do with Christmas?

Ever wonder what Jesus has to do with Christmas? We all know-His name is part of the holiday. Does Jesus imagery just add more to our general holiday cheer or could there be more?
Nobody denies the fact that people seem kinder, more jolly, and more giving this season. It’s good to help others this season! It’s good to repeat the motivational mantra “It’s the Season of Giving everybody!” I remember liking sparkly lights, new stuff, and my light veneer of spirituality. It seemed enough.
Then one day, I asked “Why do those angels hark? Why is the birth of Jesus a big deal?” With growing interest, I began to look closely at Nativity scenes. My heart asked, “Why is the manger in the middle?” Suddenly, I realized a perfect baby had been BORN for me. His All-Good could replace my Not-Good. Christmas math changed my life.
This Jesus baby came saying “I love her. I will leave perfect glory for her. I will endure poverty for her. I will exchange my life for her life. My Good is her gift.”
Do you see it too? Can you hear Him saying this to you? He is.
May we lean in for a better look. The God-Man born in a feeding trough. How beautiful that the Bread of Life was born in a manger. Divine nourishment born for you and for me! This year, believe before you receive. His gift for you is smack dab in the middle.15267818_1531824063499913_7589660954617513675_n

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